Enzymes Are Essential For Healthy Digestion
“Up to 1 in 4 Americans suffer from digestive discomfort that affects daily living.”
How Enzymes Help Digestion
Specialized cells in the salivary glands and pancreas produce digestive enzymes. The stomach also secretes hydrochloric acid (HCI) that activates enzyme production. Over 20 identified enzymes in the body — plus enzymes in uncooked foods like fruits and vegetables — facilitate the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbs so the body can absorb them and produce energy. How well we digest any particular food is dependent on the quantities and types of enzymes the body produces.
Many Factors Affect Enzyme Availability And Digestion
A variety of enzymes are required to digest food and assimilate nutrients. Within the body, HCI and enzyme secretion generally decline with age. Genetics can also negatively influence enzyme productions as well.
Even Healthy Foods Can Cause Discomfort
Some people may not produce enough enzymes to comfortably digest lactose in diary foods, gluten in grain products, or certain acidic foods (citrus, tomatoes). Raw nuts and seeds also contain enzyme inhibitors that may make them harder for some people to digest. Humans don’t produce the enzyme cellulase that helps break down cellulose fibers in plant foods, which slows digestion and may cause discomfort with higher fiber consumption. Plus, when enzyme-rich foods are cooked at 118℉ or above, naturally occurring enzymes are destroyed.
At C4NH, We Make Personalized Enzyme Supplementation Easy
In addition to maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and including raw, enzyme-rich foods in the diet, digestive enzyme supplements can be helpful to support healthy digestion.